Saturday, January 31, 2009

Farmer's Markets

Today I went to the Farmer's Market at UCI for the first time. I'm in the process of turning over a new leaf in my life, finally putting the stresses (and sometimes depressions) of school behind me and living my life more spontaneously. Some of my lifestyle changes include my health and fitness. So, I decided to go to the Farmer's Market to get fresh, organic fruit instead of pasteurized and genetically engineered food from the store. My experience was extremely unique. Walking the lanes of the Market reminded me of swap meets from my childhood. There were plenty of places to sample people's fruits and vegetables. You could skip lunch and fill up on those samples! My favorite was the array of hummus, with small squares of pita bread for customers to eat and try out different types of hummus. One of these pictures shows a man selling his handiwork (Gobama!). Other vendors sell artwork, homemade jewelry, scarves and even clothes. There was also a hispanic band playing there, and several guitar-playing sensations on stools, trying to get a little extra cash. If you ever have a free Saturday morning and are willing to try something new, take some cash and head over to the Famer's Market in the University Town Center at UCI. Take a camera with you, and tell me about your experience. If the culture shock isn't enough to excite you, the roasted corn will!